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Brand & Consumer Decision Making – Part 2

Why would you even want to read this?

Because this is the second and last installment of our discussion on how the concept of Brand fits in the EAR model of Consumer Decision Making. If you have read the first part then you would not want to miss the conclusion. If you have not, still it is worth delving into a matter which poses daily challenge to marketers across organizations and geographies. While I would try to briefly put all the key takeaways of previous articles in this article as well, it would be great if you visit the three previous articles written in this series viz. EAR Model, Brand, Brand & Decision Making – P1 to get a detailed understanding on the topic.

My Approach:

From last few articles, we know that while making any purchase decision, a consumer, evaluates the available options on a mix of three parameters: Emotional (E), Aspirational (A) and Rational (R). The weightage given to each of these parameters are dependent on many factors including the personal preferences (persona), category, occasion/ reason for purchase and budget considerations.

We also know that Brand, at a Concept level, is a differentiator which facilitates the evaluation process in purchase decision by evoking benefits and emotions associated with them.

We have discussed, in previous article, that consumers usually are bounded by the following constraints:

(S)he does not want to regret his/ her decision. And though dissonance is very normal too, consumers seek satisfaction and peace of mind from their decisions.

The second thing to keep in mind is that consumers seek to simplify their decision process.

Also there is only so much an average human mind can recall and put into context at any given point of time

We have also discussed our EAR model in the context of brands and seen that at any given point of time, for every relevant category, a brand map exists in consumer mind which maps all the active options/ brands on these three parameters. This map keeps on changing with time, exposure and experiences.
We also know from the previous article that there are primarily 7 zones in a consumer mind for every relevant category in which the brands are mapped. We will take the discussion from this point onwards.

Zoning Brands:

We will again put the image representing the 7 zones discussed by us for better visualization.

Whatever we have discussed till now pertains to an individual consumer/ buyer mind. There is a collective reality too. When a brand starts occupying a zone in the mind of a significant population then it starts belonging to that space. A brand may occupy one or multiple zones i.e. having differing meanings to multiple groups with sizable population. Brands are thus Zoned: they mean one or multiple things to sizable groups but they are limited in a sense that they cannot at one go occupy all the zones. Apart from leader brand, usually a brand would be confined to a couple of zones at max. Again in most of the cases, a brand would have a dominant zone among these zones as well. To elaborate, even if a brand has taken two zones among two sizable groups, usually, one group would have significantly higher number than the other one.

We are now dealing with mind map and zones. A new brand, on its own, often enters into the Rational zone.  Think about it: It appears logical too. A new brand would not have anything to offer to its target consumer apart from benefits which are rational in nature. It is difficult to get instantly into Aspiration zone: a brand may try and succeed but it mostly happens if the category is new; is relatively small; has very few players or if the promoter has deep pockets. Otherwise it is difficult to create an impression related to Aspiration in a short span of time. Obviously entering into Emotional zone is certainly ruled out as it requires prolonged bonding. This is also the reason for this zone to be too crowded.

In the above para, I have argued that it is very difficult for a brand to directly enter into Aspiration zone. Aspiration requires social imagery; a brand also has to evoke an emotion of achievement if acquired. All this requires sustained (and often significant) inputs in communication.

With this explanation, the usual assumption would be that brands in Rational zone would not feature in the leaderboard: it is too cluttered; in conventional wisdom, stronger brands should either feature in Aspirational or Emotional zone. This assumption is not always true: Rational zone does throw strong and leader brands. This space, however, by design is competitive and so the leadership board is also very dynamic. Any brand which starts offering greater value/ benefits to consumers would turn the table. You would agree that this is risky space to be in and hence successful brands in this zone should look to move to a different zone.  

I would illustrate this with an example: Let us take Mobile Handset Industry in India. Till a few years back, a brand named Micromax was challenging the leader Samsung. It even overtook it in terms of Sale in around 2014. It was a home grown mobile handset manufacturer/ seller which offered Value for Money products which for easy understanding means good specifications at lesser price. It was a perfect Rational Brand for Indian consumers. And it suddenly declined fast ceding its space to a newly rising Xiaomi. Xiaomi went on to become the leading brand in the Indian mobile handset industry (it still is). There are many reasons which led to what actually transpired in the Indian mobile handset market but one of the main reasons of this sudden change in the fate of Micromax was its inability to get away from the Rational zone. Not that it did not try: In fact, it tried a lot to move to either the Aspirational Zone (Hugh Jackman Ad -; Nuts, Guts, Glory Ad - or the Emotional Zone (Unite 4 Ad - It could not make the cut and thus when a better player of the game arrived, it had to give way to it.

Is Rational a Bad Zone to be in?

It is not this simple. It all depends on nature of the category (including maturity and dynamism), life stage of the brand, target consumers and business objectives among other things. Sticking to the above example only, Micromax as a brand grew and challenged the leader only because it played in the Rational space. It succeeded as the industry was yet to mature and the users were looking for Value options. It is thus important for any marketer to recognize what is the most relevant zones for the category it is operating in and the consumers it is targeting. A category, where maximum numbers of users are looking for rational benefits would have leaders in the Rational zones as well. The only word of caution is that in this case, since the entry to the Challenger club is relatively easier, it is riskiest as well.

This brings me to discuss the stability of various zones in brief. As you would have guessed, Emotional is the safest zone by far for any category: but that does not guarantee that a brand would have high volumes. What it does ensure is that the brand stays relevant for a longer time for consideration and the decline, if it happens, is slower than usual. Aspiration is an attractive space though a brand needs to work consistently to stay relevant in that space.

We might remind ourselves here that the zone map in the consumer/ buyer’s mind is not constant and keeps on changing with time. A brand’s presence in that map and in a particular zone is not sacrosanct. This is both an opportunity and threat to brands. It presents the marketers with the unique challenge to stay relevant in target consumer’s mind all the time. Another important aspect to note is that categories evolve and so does the consumer: what makes a brand zoned in a particular zone at one timestamp may not help in getting zoned to same place the next time; also what was relevant to consumer in one timestamp may be irrelevant to him/ her when (s)he decides to purchase next. This means a brand has to consistently track the category and consumer to stay in touch with the reality. This makes the task of marketers much more difficult and exciting at the same time.    
What Next?

We have seen, in brief, how a Consumer approaches Decision Making and how the world of Brands fit in that approach. However, it is still not clear on what needs to be done to get into the consumer’s active map. Over the course of next few articles we would explore other aspects which would help us solve this riddle too.

Post Script:

I had initially planned to share a few examples (like the one with Micromax) which I thought would have made this explanation clearer. Now I realize that it may be great if I ask you to zone various brands as per your understanding. Can we do this? I would like to start this with the following brands: Apple, Motorola, Coca Cola, Pepsi, Maggi, Hyundai & Bajaj. You are welcome to add other brands in this list as well. It will be fun if we continue exploring this for all the brands we love.

I also need to emphasize that there are no actual maps or zones in a consumer mind and an average consumer/ buyer would not be deciding that let me pick this brand because it lies in this zone. Maps and zone are props which help in understanding how (s)he approaches purchase decision.


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