My World Sometimes life can push you so hard that you feel like crumbling under the pressure. And yet one manages to crawl back most of the times. We term it as the ‘victory of human spirits’ and this had been the theme of many successful works of art. For the last few days I felt that the life was trying to put me on the same ‘pressure test’ albeit on the ‘novice’ mode. It did not help that it had chosen the time when I was reeling under intense back pain (Despite parting ways with pain yesterday I still have no idea how it became my guest at first place). Tuesday was particularly bad. I had my third consecutive night-out working on projects which I knew had very little chance to benefit me in the future and that too when I was almost immobile due to the sudden appearance of Mr. Pain. Things did not go well since the morning as I had to be a part of three most toll taking classes back to back and then an insipid performance in the final presentation. A spat with a good friend was ...