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Showing posts from April, 2006
. Two days back this serene college faced a tragedy ............ the death of a young intelligent mind . Now this is not an obituary to the departed soul as I barely knew him. Why I ever thought to write about this loss is still not very clear to me. One thing is for sure though I felt the need to express my feelings somewhere. What's better than this blog. I'm a human and so I felt the pain but that is in no comparison to the pain being felt by the loved ones of the boy. I waited for two days because the details were not available with me and no one wants to pass an unwarranted statement/judgement based on hazy facts. The boy died of an accident. This was the news which filtered to us that afternoon. The picture was not clear though, and the ones in our batch who knew the boy rushed to the accident site. I am plain honest here .......... I assume that I can't stand all these and so I never planned to visit the site. So there was some sorrow, chaos and gossip which was to...
V for Vendetta ...... Remember Remember the 5th of November ................. Now if you think that this is a review of sort for this much hyped cinematic version of a comic book story then it is not. I will always love to write a review but that can wait for sometime. If you want to view the reviews for this movie then there are plenty of them already posted .......... giving it ratings from 2.8 to 4.4. I don't care about the ratings that any self-proclaimed movie critic gives to a movie. This movie has somehow turned my attention not related to scope of cinema anyhow. The protagonist "V" is instrumental in stirring the citizens of an oppressed nation out of deep slumber. He provided them with a hope to fight for their rights ................. " People should not be afraid of their governments .......... governments should be afraid of their people." Now in this movie "V" is hero ................... whatever he does he does to eliminate the oppression...
Getting Started.............. Well when i created this blog i'd many ideas crossing my minds about the contents of my writings in this blog. Unfortunately till now this devilous mind has not allowed any of those to take over the reign. So to make it simple ..... i've decided that this will be a platform to voice my views, concern over anything i feel like. So what's big deal about it.............. one would ask. Nothing ....... and that should be the novelty of this blog. A normal blog to put forth the views of an ordinary human being. I'm not a revolutionary to provide people with their voice ............ to shake them out of their slumber. So forget about anything special. It will, as i've stated earlier, provide one with my viewpoint. From what i've observed that people are mostly driven by their impulse rather than by reasoning ( although they use every bit of their reasoning to justify their impulsive behaviour). So to convince one with my reasoning will ...